Horticulture Nursery In Kurukshetra Ladwa

Kurukshetra district there is a division called Ladwa , here Haryana government has opened a centre named as Centre for sub-tropical fruit . This is a joint collaboration between India and Israel and hence it is called as INDO ISRAEL project. Here people can purchase varieties of sub-tropical fruit trees. They deals with the production and maintenance of fruits, vegetables, and flowers, spices mushroom, medicinal and aromatic plants. Timing for purchasing of fruit trees nursery is from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am to 4:45 pm. Still, I would suggest you can call the official numbers before visiting. Official website for booking of plants is: https://nursery.hortharyana.gov.in/ & http://hortharyana.gov.in/ Procedure for booking the plants are as follows: Step 1. Go to home page. Step 2. Hover on particular crop to check availability and click to see nursery list. Step 3. Click on particular nursery to see available crop variety. Step 4. Click on particu...